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1   package;
3   /* =============================================================================
4    *       
5    *     Copyright 2004 Stephen Cowx
6    *
7    *     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8    *     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9    *     You may obtain a copy of the License at
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   *     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   *     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   *     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   *     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   *     limitations under the License.
18   * 
19   * =============================================================================
20   */
22  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
23  import java.util.Iterator;
24  import java.util.Vector;
26  import javax.swing.JMenu;
27  import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
28  import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
29  import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
30  import javax.swing.UIManager;
32  import com.explosion.expf.Application;
33  import com.explosion.expf.ExpConstants;
34  import com.explosion.expf.ExpListener;
35  import com.explosion.expf.ExpLookAndFeel;
36  import;
37  import com.explosion.utilities.exception.ExceptionManagerFactory;
39  /***
40   * This class has a hashtable called elements.  Every menu, menuItem or JCheckBoxMenuItem added
41   * using the Add.. functions of this class are inserted into this Hashtable.  These
42   * elements are all accessible via the getElement() method.  The getMenu method is a convenience method
43   * whioch references the same hashtable.  The elements returned fromthe hashtable aregoing to
44   * be one of three types. it is up to the user to decide what they are going to be.
45   */
47  public class ExpMenuBar extends JMenuBar
48  {
49    private ExpMenu menuFile;
50    private ExpMenu menuHelp;
51    private ExpMenu menuConfigure;
53    private Vector topLevelMenus = new Vector();
55    private MenuHelper menuHelper;
57    public ExpMenuBar(ExpListener listener) throws Exception
58    {
59      menuHelper = new MenuHelper(listener);
61      JMenuItem item = null;
63      /* Set the name of this menu bar */
64      this.setName(ExpConstants.COMPNAME_EXPMENUBAR);
66      /* Main menu's */
67      menuFile = createExpMenu("File", 'f', ExpConstants.MENU_FILE, 1, true);
68      menuHelp = createExpMenu("Help", 'h', ExpConstants.MENU_HELP, 1, true);
69      menuConfigure = createExpMenu("Tools", 't', ExpConstants.MENU_TOOLS, 1, true);
71      /* Add file menu first - The others will get added later*/
72      topLevelMenus.addElement(menuFile);
74      /* File menu */
75      ExpMenuSegment exitSegment = menuFile.createNewSegment(ExpMenuSegment.ALWAYS_LAST_SEGMENT);
76      item = menuHelper.createMenuItem("Exit", 'x', ExpConstants.MENU_EXIT, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_E, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK), 1);
77      exitSegment.addElement(item);
79      /* Help menu */
80      ExpMenuSegment helpSegment = menuHelp.createNewSegment(ExpMenuSegment.ANY_POSITION);
81      helpSegment.addElement(menuHelper.createMenuItem("Help Contents", 'h', ExpConstants.MENU_HELP_CONTENTS, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK), 1));
82      helpSegment.addElement(menuHelper.createMenuItem("About", (char) 1, ExpConstants.MENU_ABOUT, null, 1));
84      /* LAF menu */
85      ExpMenu menuLAF = createExpMenu("Look And Feel", 'l', ExpConstants.MENU_LAF, 1, false);
86      ExpMenuSegment LAFSegment = menuLAF.createNewSegment(ExpMenuSegment.ANY_POSITION);
88      for (Iterator it = ExpConstants.looksList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
89      {
90          ExpLookAndFeel lf = (ExpLookAndFeel) ExpConstants.looksMap.get(;
91          LAFSegment.addElement(menuHelper.createMenuItem(lf.getDisplayName(), (char)-1, lf.getActionName(), null, 1));
92          if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName().equals(lf.getClassName()))
93          {
94              Application.ensureGlobalCookie(lf.getActionName(),0);
95          }
96          else
97          {
98              Application.ensureGlobalCookie(lf.getActionName(),1);
99          }
100     }
102     /* Configure menu */
103     ExpMenuSegment configSegment = menuConfigure.createNewSegment(ExpMenuSegment.ALWAYS_LAST_SEGMENT);
104     configSegment.addElement(menuLAF);
105     configSegment.addElement(menuHelper.createMenuItem("Preferences", '0', ExpConstants.MENU_PROPERTIES, null, 1));
107     /* Set up cookies for all of the static items eg Exit. */
108     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_FILE,1);
109     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_HELP,1);
110     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_TOOLS,1);
111     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_EXIT,1);
112     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_ABOUT,1);
113     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_HELP_CONTENTS,1);
115     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_PROPERTIES,1);
116     Application.addToGlobalCookie(ExpConstants.MENU_LAF,1);
118     menuHelper.checkEnabled();
119   }
121   /***
122    * Runs through the menus and adds them in recieved order or mapped order.  File ..... Config Help
123   */
124   public void constructMenus()
125   {
126     /* If there is a menuMap then we will add the top level menus as per the map. 
127      * If not, we just add the menu's in the order they came in..(note) in the second 
128      * case, the Help and Configure menu's are hardcoded into last position.
129      */ 
130     Vector menuMap = Application.getMenuMap();
131     if (menuMap != null )
132     {
133        topLevelMenus = new Vector();
134        for (int i = 0; i < menuMap.size(); i++)
135        {
136          Object item = menuHelper.getElement((String)menuMap.elementAt(i));
137          if (item == null)
138            ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(new Exception("The menumap contains a reference ('"+menuMap.elementAt(i)+"') to an object which has not been created.  This object will not be added to the top level menus."),null);
139          else if (!(item instanceof JMenu))
140            ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(new Exception("The menumap contains a reference ('"+menuMap.elementAt(i)+"') to an object which is not an instance of JMenu.  The object is an instance the '"+item.getClass().getName()+"' class.  This object will not be added to the top level menus."),null);
141          else
142          {
143            JMenu menu = (JMenu) item;
144            this.add(menu);
145            topLevelMenus.addElement(menu);  	
146          }  
147        }
148     }
149     else
150     {
151       topLevelMenus.addElement(menuConfigure);
152       topLevelMenus.addElement(menuHelp);
153       this.add(menuHelp);
155       for (int i = 0; i < topLevelMenus.size(); i++)
156       {
157         ExpMenu menu = (ExpMenu) topLevelMenus.elementAt(i);
158         this.add(menu);
159       }
160     }
161   }
164   public Vector getTopLevelMenus()
165   {
166     return topLevelMenus;
167   }
169   /***
170    *  This method adds a JMenu to a MenuBar
171    */
172   public ExpMenu createExpMenu(String menuText, char mnemonic, String actionCommand, int enabledThreshold, boolean isTopLevel)
173   {
174     ExpMenu menu = menuHelper.createExpMenu(menuText, mnemonic, actionCommand, enabledThreshold);
176     /* If thisis a toplevel menu then add it to the list of toplevel menus */
177     if (isTopLevel)
178      topLevelMenus.addElement(menu);
180     return menu;
181   }
183   /***
184    * Returns the MenuHelper for this MenuBar
185    * @return
186    */
187   public MenuHelper getMenuHelper()
188   {
189       return this.menuHelper;
190   }
191 }