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1   package com.explosion.datastream.exql.processes;
3   /*
4    * =============================================================================
5    * 
6    * Copyright 2004 Stephen Cowx
7    * 
8    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
9    * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
10   * the License at
11   * 
12   *
13   * 
14   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
16   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
17   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
18   * the License.
19   * 
20   * =============================================================================
21   */
23  import java.sql.Connection;
24  import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
25  import java.sql.ResultSet;
26  import java.sql.SQLException;
27  import java.util.Enumeration;
28  import java.util.Hashtable;
29  import java.util.Vector;
30  import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
31  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
32  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.gui.EXQLBaseTool;
33  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.gui.ExqlTreeNode;
34  import com.explosion.expfmodules.rdbmsconn.dbom.DBEntity;
35  import com.explosion.expfmodules.rdbmsconn.dbom.utils.MetadataUtils;
36  import com.explosion.utilities.exception.ExceptionManagerFactory;
37  import com.explosion.utilities.process.StackableSimpleProcess;
38  import com.explosion.utilities.process.threads.Finishable;
40  /***
41   * @author Stephen Cowx Date created:@14-Feb-2003
42   */
43  public class RefreshTableNamesProcess extends StackableSimpleProcess
44  {
46      private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(RefreshTableNamesProcess.class);
47      private Connection conn;
48      private ExqlTreeNode parentNode;
49      private DBEntity descriptor;
50      private EXQLBaseTool tool;
51      private boolean prefetch = false;
52      private String[] tableTypes;
54      /***
55       * Fetches the tables list into a list of table 
56       * @param finishable
57       * @param conn
58       * @param parentNode
59       * @param descriptor
60       * @param tool
61       * @param prefetchAllTableInformation
62       */
63      public RefreshTableNamesProcess(Finishable finishable, Connection conn, ExqlTreeNode parentNode, DBEntity descriptor, EXQLBaseTool tool, boolean prefetchAllTableInformation)
64      {
65          super(finishable, null);
66          this.conn = conn;
67          this.parentNode = parentNode;
68          this.descriptor = descriptor;
69          this.tool = tool;
70          this.prefetch = prefetchAllTableInformation;
71          this.setIsUserProcess(true);
72      }
74      public void process()
75      {
76          try
77          {
78              Vector collectedNodes = new Vector();
80              if (isStopped())
81                  return;
82              setStatusText("Obtaining database metadata");
83              setPercentComplete(10);
85              DatabaseMetaData dbmd = MetadataUtils.getDBMD(conn);
86              MetadataUtils utils = new MetadataUtils();
88              /* Build a hashtable of TableType nodes */
89              if (isStopped())
90                  return;
91              log("Fetching table definitions.");
92              setStatusText("Obtaining table types");
93              setPercentComplete(15);
94              Hashtable nodes = getTableTypeNodes(dbmd);
96              /* Add the tables to the table type nodes */
97              if (isStopped())
98                  return;
99              setStatusText("Obtaining list of tables");
100             setPercentComplete(45);
101             Vector tables = utils.getTables(dbmd, descriptor.getCatalogName(), descriptor.getSchemaName(), null, null, this);
103             for (int k = 0; k < tables.size(); k++)
104             {
105                 Vector tableInfo = (Vector) tables.elementAt(k);
106                 String tableName = (String) tableInfo.elementAt(2);
107                 String tableType = (String) tableInfo.elementAt(3);
109                 if (isStopped())
110                     return;
111                 setStatusText("Parsing table " + tableName);
112                 log("Parsing table " + tableName);
114                 setPercentComplete(80 + 10 / tables.size());
116                 ExqlTreeNode typeNode = (ExqlTreeNode) nodes.get(getConvertedName(tableType));
118                 int tableTypeInt = DBEntity.TYPE_OTHER;
119                 if (getConvertedName(tableType).toUpperCase().equals("SYSTEM TABLES"))
120                     tableTypeInt = DBEntity.TYPE_SYSTEM_TABLE;
121                 else if (getConvertedName(tableType).toUpperCase().equals("VIEWS"))
122                     tableTypeInt = DBEntity.TYPE_VIEW;
123                 else if (getConvertedName(tableType).toUpperCase().equals("TABLES"))
124                     tableTypeInt = DBEntity.TYPE_TABLE;
125                 else if (getConvertedName(tableType).toUpperCase().equals("SYNONYMS"))
126                     tableTypeInt = DBEntity.TYPE_SYNONYM;
128                 DBEntity tableDescriptor = new DBEntity(descriptor.getCatalogName(), descriptor.getSchemaName(), tableName, tableTypeInt);
130                 log.debug("Building entity descriptor for table ==> catalog:" + descriptor.getCatalogName() + " schema:" + descriptor.getSchemaName() + " tableName:" + tableName + ".");
131                 ExqlTreeNode tableNode = new ExqlTreeNode(tableDescriptor);
133                 if (prefetch)
134                 {
135                   utils.getColumns(tableDescriptor, dbmd, tableNode);
136                   utils.getTablePrimaryKeys(dbmd, tableDescriptor);
137                   utils.getTableForeignKeys(dbmd, tableDescriptor);
138                   //utils.getBestRowIdentifiers(tableDescriptor, dbmd);
139                 }
141                 typeNode.add(tableNode);
142             }
144             if (isStopped())
145                 return;
147             setStatusText("Adding new nodes ");
148             setPercentComplete(90);
150             /* If we haven't been cancelled bynow, pack em and rack em */
151             parentNode.removeAllChildren();
153             Enumeration en = nodes.keys();
154             while (en.hasMoreElements())
155             {
156                 ExqlTreeNode typeNode = (ExqlTreeNode) nodes.get(en.nextElement());
157                 if (typeNode.getChildCount() > 0)
158                 {
159                     parentNode.add(typeNode);
160                 }
161             }
163             setStatusText("Done");
164             this.setPercentComplete(100);
165         }
166         catch (Exception e)
167         {
168             ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(e, null);
169             setStatusText("Process not completed successfully");
170             setPercentComplete(100);
171         }
173     }
175     private Hashtable getTableTypeNodes(DatabaseMetaData dbmd) throws Exception
176     {
177         Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable();
178         if (tableTypes == null)
179             tableTypes = getTableTypes(dbmd);
181         for (int i = 0; i < tableTypes.length; i++)
182         {
183             String tableType = tableTypes[i];
184             String convertedName = getConvertedName(tableType);
185             ExqlTreeNode tableTypeNode = new ExqlTreeNode(convertedName);
186             nodes.put(convertedName, tableTypeNode);
187         }
188         return nodes;
189     }
191     /***
192      * This method will return a set of Table Types. If there aren't any or the
193      * driver does not support this method then an empty Vector will be
194      * returned.
195      */
196     private String[] getTableTypes(DatabaseMetaData dbmd)
197     {
198         Vector tableTypes = new Vector();
199         ResultSet set = null;
200         try
201         {
202             set = dbmd.getTableTypes();
203             while (
204                 tableTypes.addElement(set.getString(1));
205         }
206         catch (SQLException e)
207         {
208             ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(e, "Error while retrieving table types.  Resultset MetaData getTableTypes() has possibly not been implemented.");
209         }
210         finally
211         {
212             try
213             {
214                 set.close();
215             }
216             catch (Exception e)
217             {
218             }
219         }
220         String[] tts = new String[tableTypes.size()];
221         return (String[]) tableTypes.toArray(tts);
222     }
224     /***
225      * This method converts an uppercase string into a sentence case
226      * first letter capital, all others lowercase.An s is appended too.
227      */
228     private String getConvertedName(String tableType)
229     {
230         return tableType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + tableType.substring(1, tableType.length()).toLowerCase() + "s";
231     }
233     public void log(String string)
234     {
235         tool.log(string);
236     }
238     public void log(Exception exception, String message)
239     {
240         tool.log(message + exception.getMessage());
241     }
243 }