View Javadoc

1   package com.explosion.datastream.exql.gui.querywriter;
3   /* =============================================================================
4    *       
5    *     Copyright 2004 Stephen Cowx
6    *
7    *     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8    *     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9    *     You may obtain a copy of the License at
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   *     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   *     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   *     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   *     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   *     limitations under the License.
18   * 
19   * =============================================================================
20   */
22  import java.awt.BorderLayout;
23  import java.awt.Color;
24  import java.awt.Font;
25  import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
26  import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
27  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
28  import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
29  import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
30  import java.sql.Connection;
31  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
32  import java.sql.ResultSet;
33  import java.sql.SQLException;
34  import java.sql.Statement;
35  import java.util.List;
36  import java.util.Vector;
38  import javax.swing.JPanel;
39  import javax.swing.JTextArea;
40  import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
42  import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
43  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
45  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.EXQLConstants;
46  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.EXQLModuleManager;
47  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.gui.EXQLBaseTool;
48  import com.explosion.datastream.exql.gui.SQLTextActionsListener;
49  import com.explosion.expfmodules.dbstore.DbStoreModuleManager;
50  import com.explosion.expfmodules.rdbmsconn.dbom.utils.Transaction;
51  import com.explosion.expfmodules.texteditor.LineNumberTextEditor;
52  import com.explosion.utilities.GeneralConstants;
53  import com.explosion.utilities.exception.ExceptionManagerFactory;
55  public class SQLCommandController extends JPanel
56  {
57    private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(SQLCommandController.class);
58    private static final int MODE_EDIT = 0;
59    private static final int MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY = 1;
60    private int mode = MODE_EDIT;
62    private LineNumberTextEditor textComponent;
63    private EXQLBaseTool tool;
64    private JTextComponent commandTextComponent;
65    private JTextArea marginTextArea;
67    private Vector commandVector = new Vector();
68    private int commandVectorIndex = 0;
69    private int commandNumber = 1;
70    private Connection conn;
71    private String connectionName;
72    private MouseAdapter adapter;
74    /***
75     * Constructor
76     */
77    public SQLCommandController(Connection conn, String connectionName, EXQLBaseTool tool) throws Exception
78    {
79      this.conn = conn;
80      this.tool = tool;
81      this.connectionName = connectionName;
82      this.textComponent = new LineNumberTextEditor(tool,"SQL>",false);
83  	SQLTextActionsListener listener = new SQLTextActionsListener(textComponent.getEditorTextComponent(),tool);
84      this.commandTextComponent = textComponent.getEditorTextComponent();
85  	this.marginTextArea = textComponent.getMarginTextArea();
86      init();
87    }
89    /***
90     * Sets up the GUI
91     */
92    private void init() throws Exception
93    {
94      this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
95      this.add(textComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);
97      commandTextComponent.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter()
98      {
99        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
100       {
101         commandTextArea_keyTyped(e);
102       }
104       public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
105       {
106         commandTextArea_keyPressed(e);
107       }
108     });
110     loadCommandHistory();
112     showHelpText();
114     this.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter(){
115     	/***
116          * Invoked when the component has been made visible.
117          */
118         public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {
119         	textComponent.getEditorTextComponent().requestFocus();
120         	textComponent.getEditorTextComponent().requestFocusInWindow();
121         }
122     });
124   }
126   /***
127    * Shows the help text
128    *
129    */
130   private void showHelpText()
131   {
132   	commandTextComponent.setText(getHelpString());
133     commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(commandTextComponent.getText().length());
135     adapter = new MouseAdapter(){
136     	/***
137          * Invoked when the mouse has been clicked on a component.
138          */
139         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
140         	if (commandVector.size() > 0)
141             {
142         		commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
143                 changeModeTo(MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY);
144         		commandTextComponent.setText((String)commandVector.get(commandVector.size()-1));
145                 commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(commandTextComponent.getText().length());
146             }
147             else
148             {
149             	commandTextComponent.setText("");
150                 commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(0);
151                 changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
152             }
153             commandTextComponent.removeMouseListener(adapter);
154         }
155     };
157     commandTextComponent.addMouseListener(adapter);
158   }
160   /***
161    * prints the help tothe message window
162    */
163   private String getHelpString()
164   {
165   	return
166       "Welcome" + GeneralConstants.LS +
167       "=-=-=-=" + GeneralConstants.LS +
168       "" + GeneralConstants.LS +
169       " - Press 'Esc' key to toggle between BROWSE-HISTORY and EDIT mode" + GeneralConstants.LS +
170       " - In BROWSE HISTORY mode scroll through previous commands using the up and down arrow keys" + GeneralConstants.LS +
171       " - In EDIT mode, any text terminated with a ';' will be executed when you press 'Enter'. " + GeneralConstants.LS +
172       " - Type 'clear' to clear command history" + GeneralConstants.LS +
173       "" + GeneralConstants.LS +
174       "Click in this window to start" + GeneralConstants.LS;
175   }
177   /***
178    * Something is typed onto the command line
179    *
180    * This method behaves in a very specific way. Basically, you are using the cursor
181    * keys to browse through the command history then it works fine.
182    *
183    * If the user starts to edit a command ( this is indicated by a key press other than an
184    * up or down arrow) then the command history mechanism will be switched off until they
185    * execute that command.
186    */
187   void commandTextArea_keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
188   {
189     if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)
190     {
191       /* Determine if the person has pushed Enter in the middle of the sentence
192          I don't wnat to execute this command if this is the case, I just want to drop a line */
193       boolean isExecutable = commandTextComponent.getCaretPosition() + 1 >= commandTextComponent.getText().length();
195       String command = commandTextComponent.getText().trim();
196       //changeModeTo(MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY);
198       commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
200       if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(";") )
201       {
202         commandVector.addElement(command);
203         commandNumber = 1;
204       }
205       else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("clear") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("clear;"))
206       {
207         commandTextComponent.setText("");
208         commandVector = new Vector();
209         commandNumber = -1;
210       }
211       else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("cls") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("cls;"))
212       {
213         commandTextComponent.setText("");
214         commandVector.addElement(command);
215         commandNumber = 1;
216       }
217       else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("help") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("help;") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("?") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("?;") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("h") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("h;"))
218       {
219         tool.log(getHelpString());
220         commandTextComponent.setText("");
221         commandVector.addElement(command);
222         commandNumber = 1;
223       }
224       else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("commit") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("commit;"))
225       {
226         try
227         {
228           if (conn == null)
229             tool.log("Query Tool error: Not connected to a database.");
230           else
231           {
232             conn.commit();
233             tool.log("Commit successful.");
234           }
235         }
236         catch (SQLException ex)
237         {
238           tool.log("Error - unable to commit changes : " + ex.getMessage());
239         }
240         commandTextComponent.setText("");
241         commandVector.addElement(command);
242         commandNumber++;
243       }
244       else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("rollback") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("rollback;"))
245       {
246         try
247         {
248           if (conn == null)
249             tool.log("Simple Query Tool error: Not connected to a database.");
250           else
251           {
252             conn.rollback();
253             tool.log("Rollback successful.");
254           }
255         }
256         catch (SQLException ex)
257         {
258           tool.log("Error - unable to rollback changes : " + ex.getMessage());
259         }
260         commandTextComponent.setText("");
261         commandVector.addElement(command);
262         commandNumber++;
263       }
264       else if (isExecutable && command.endsWith(";"))
265       {
266         tool.log("\n\nQuery " + commandNumber + ": \n" + command);
267         commandTextComponent.setText("");
268         commandVector.addElement(command);
269         commandNumber++;
270         tool.getQueryTool().executeCommand(command.substring(0, command.length() - 1));
271       }
272       else
273       {
274         changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
275       }
276     }
277     else if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
278     {
279       /* This allows the user to change mode between command editing and command browsing */
280       if (mode == MODE_EDIT)
281         changeModeTo(MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY);
282       else
283         changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
285       commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(commandTextComponent.getText().length());
286       commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
287     }
288     else
289     {
290       commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
291       changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
292     }
293   }
295   /***
296    * Something is typed onto the command line
297    */
298   void commandTextArea_keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
299   {
300     if (mode == MODE_EDIT)
301     {
302       if (commandVector.size() < 1 || commandTextComponent.getText().length() >= 1)
303       {  
304         return;
305       }  
306     }
309     switch (e.getKeyCode())
310     {
311       case (38) : //up
312 	      if (mode == MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY && commandVectorIndex >= 0)
313 	      {
314 	        if (commandVectorIndex > 0)
315 	          commandVectorIndex--;
316 	      }
317 	      else
318 	      {
319 	        commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
320 	        changeModeTo(MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY);
321 	      }
323 	      if (commandVector.size() > 0)
324 	      {
325 	        /* Show the command at commandVectorIndex */
326 	        commandTextComponent.setText((String) commandVector.elementAt(commandVectorIndex));
327 	        commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(commandTextComponent.getText().length());
328 	      }
330 	      /* Make sure that this event doesn't get propagated anywhere else */
331 	      e.consume();
332 	      break;
334      case (40) : //down
335 	      if (mode == MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY && commandVectorIndex < (commandVector.size() - 1))
336 	      {
337 	        commandVectorIndex++;
338 	      }  
339 	      else
340 	      {
341 	        commandVectorIndex = commandVector.size() - 1;
342 	        changeModeTo(MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY);
343 	      }
345 	      if (commandVector.size() > 0)
346 	      {
347 	        commandTextComponent.setText((String) commandVector.elementAt(commandVectorIndex));
348 	        commandTextComponent.setCaretPosition(commandTextComponent.getText().length());
349 	      }
351 	      /* Make sure that this event doesn't get propagated anywhere else */
352 	      e.consume();
353 	      break;
355      case (37) : //left  
356           changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
357           break;  
359      case (39) :// right  
360           changeModeTo(MODE_EDIT);
361           break;  
362     }
364   }
366   private void changeModeTo(int newMode)
367   {
368   	 switch (newMode)
369   	 {
370   	 	case (MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY) : 
371   	   	  mode = MODE_BROWSE_HISTORY;
372           commandTextComponent.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
373           commandTextComponent.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
374           commandTextComponent.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
375           marginTextArea.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
376           marginTextArea.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
377           marginTextArea.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
378           break;
380   	 	case (MODE_EDIT) : 
381   	      mode = MODE_EDIT;
382           commandTextComponent.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
383           commandTextComponent.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
384           commandTextComponent.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
385           marginTextArea.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
386           marginTextArea.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
387           marginTextArea.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
388       	  break;
389   	 }
390   }  
392   public void clear()
393   {
394     commandTextComponent.setText("");
395     //marginTextArea.setText(getMarginText(1));
396   }
399  /***
400    * This method returns the text for the margin
401    */
402   private String getMarginText(int numberOfLines)
403   {
404     String returnText = "SQL> ";
405     for (int i = 2; i <= numberOfLines; i++)
406       returnText += GeneralConstants.LS + " " + i + " >";
407     return returnText;
408   }
410   public void applyPreferences()
411   {
413     /* This allows the user to change mode between command editing and command browsing */
414       if (mode == MODE_EDIT)
415       {
416         marginTextArea.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
417         marginTextArea.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
418         marginTextArea.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
420         commandTextComponent.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
421         commandTextComponent.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
422         commandTextComponent.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_EDIT_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
423       }
424       else
425       {
426         marginTextArea.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
427         marginTextArea.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
428         marginTextArea.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
430         commandTextComponent.setForeground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
431         commandTextComponent.setBackground((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
432         commandTextComponent.setCaretColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_BROWSE_MODE_FOREGROUND_COLOR).getValue());
433       }
435   	  commandTextComponent.setSelectedTextColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_COLOR_SELECTEDFORGROUND).getValue());
436       commandTextComponent.setSelectionColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_COLOR_SELECTEDBACKGROUND).getValue());
437       //if (!EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_FONT).isDefaulted())
438          commandTextComponent.setFont((Font) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_FONT).getValue());
440    	  marginTextArea.setSelectedTextColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_COLOR_SELECTEDFORGROUND).getValue());
441       marginTextArea.setSelectionColor((Color) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_COLOR_SELECTEDBACKGROUND).getValue());
442       //if (!EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_FONT).isDefaulted())
443         marginTextArea.setFont((Font) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.COMMANDER_FONT).getValue());
444   }
446   public void disableComponent()
447   {
448   	commandTextComponent.setEnabled(false);
449   	marginTextArea.setEnabled(false);
450   }
452   public void enableComponent()
453   {
454   	commandTextComponent.setEnabled(true);
455   	marginTextArea.setEnabled(true);
456   }
458   public JTextComponent getCommandTextComponent()
459   {
460   	return commandTextComponent;
461   }
463   /***
464    * This method persists the command history for later retrieval the next time the user starts the system.
465    */
466   public void persistCommandHistory()
467   {
468       if (!((Boolean)EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.RDBMS_OPTION_REMEMBER_COMMAND_HISTORY).getValue()).booleanValue())
469           return;
471       int maxRows = ((Integer) EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.RDBMS_OPTION_MAXCOMMANDSPERSISTED).getValue()).intValue();
473       List persistMe = null;
474       if (commandVector.size() > maxRows)
475       {
476       	persistMe = commandVector.subList(commandVector.size()-maxRows,commandVector.size());
477       }
478       else
479       {
480       	persistMe = commandVector;
481       }
483       log.debug("Persisting");
484       PreparedStatement st = null;
485       Connection conn = null;
486       Transaction t = null;
487       try
488       {
489           conn = DbStoreModuleManager.instance().getConnection();
490           t = new Transaction(conn);
491           st = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM SQL_COMMAND_HISTORY WHERE CONNECTION_NAME=?");
492           st.setString(1,connectionName);
493           st.executeUpdate();
494           st.close();
496           for (int i=0;i<persistMe.size();i++)
497           {
498               st = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO SQL_COMMAND_HISTORY (ID, CONNECTION_NAME, COMMAND) VALUES (NULL,?,?)");
499               st.setString(1,connectionName);
500               st.setString(2,(String)persistMe.get(i));
501               st.executeUpdate();
502               st.close();
503           }
504           t.commit();
505        } 
506        catch (SQLException e)
507        {
508           if (t != null)
509           {
510               t.rollback();
511           }
512           ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(e,"Exception caught while saving command history");
513        }
514        finally
515        {
516            if (st != null)
517            {
518                try {  st.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) {/*ignore*/ }
519            }
521            if (conn != null)
522            {
523                try {  conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) {/*ignore*/ }
524            }
525        }
526    }
528   /***
529    * This method loads the command history for the user when they connect to a particular db.
530    */
531   public void loadCommandHistory()
532   {
533       if (!((Boolean)EXQLModuleManager.instance().getPreference(EXQLConstants.RDBMS_OPTION_REMEMBER_COMMAND_HISTORY).getValue()).booleanValue())
534           return;
536       log.debug("loading");
537       Statement st = null;
538       Connection conn = null;
539       try
540       {
541           conn = DbStoreModuleManager.instance().getConnection();
542           st = conn.createStatement();
543           ResultSet set = st.executeQuery("SELECT COMMAND FROM SQL_COMMAND_HISTORY WHERE CONNECTION_NAME='"+connectionName+"' order by ID ASC");
544           while (
545           {
546               String s = set.getString(1);
547               log.debug(s);
548               commandVector.add(s);
549           }
550           set.close();
551           st.close();
552        } 
553        catch (SQLException e)
554        {
555           ExceptionManagerFactory.getExceptionManager().manageException(e,"Exception caught while saving command history");
557        }
558        finally
559        {
560            if (st != null)
561            {
562                try {  st.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) {/*ignore*/ }
563            }
565            if (conn != null)
566            {
567                try {  conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e1) {/*ignore*/ }
568            }
569        }
571   }
572 }